Magnetic Bike Light

Some people enjoy going out on a bike at night. In such cases, having bike lights is necessary in order to stay safe while biking on a dark road. But most bikes are built without such lights. To resolve this problem, this Magnetic Bike Light from Copenhagen Parts would suit up quite well with the […]

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Pedego Electric Tricycle

Bicycles offer the simplest and most basic means of transportation that allows people to go around. It is even eco-friendly since it relies on only human power to go places. But while bicycles can be convenient, tricycles may offer a more stable means for some people not always able to ride a typical bicycle. Just […]

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Nevada Issues License Plates for Self-Driving Cars

After approving self-driving cars on state roads back in February, the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles has officially unveiled its license plates for autonomous test vehicles with Google becoming the first company to receive license applications. The license plate will have a red background, featuring an infinity symbol on the left-hand side. According to DMV’s […]

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Ample E-Quadrimotorcycle Unveiled Looks Cute

Electric vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, whether it is high-end or mid-range, in two wheels or four. Car maker Ample introduces a new form of EV via the “Eo,” an electric quadrimotorcycle. This lightweight vehicle has four wheels, but runs in a low-powered motor. Ample claims that Eo can travel up to 124 […]

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Honda UNI-CUB Personal Mobility Device

Technology has made life more convenient for people. Technology provides convenience and efficiency it almost all aspects of life. And it seems that technology might also someday make people become more complacent in terms of going to and fro. With the recently unveiled Honda UNI-CUB Personal Mobility Device, even a simple activity like walking might […]

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